Assignment 4 - Find your way around a SNOMED browser and retrieve some codes
In this hands-on exercise you're asked to navigate the popular SNOMED browser available at bioportal and find the correct code for the following 3 medical concepts:
- Gestational diabetes
- Triple-negative breast cancer
- Surgical scar (for use in a use case where you'd be asked to find proper codes for something like "... despite reporting high fever (>39C) the patient presents no signs of infection at the surgical scar site..."
please submit your answer in a simple text with the format: concept:SNOMED code
direct access to the SNOMED explorer here
NOTE: while you're at it feel free to explore around bioportal and be amazed by the number of different ontologies that it offers (1000+ and counting). Other notable repositories, still focusing on the biomedical domain, include the OBO Foundry (link here)