Welcome to the home page of the course of Introduction to Healthcare Management. The course consists of short chapters that we will cover in each lecture. Before each lesson, please review the reading material and the videos. We will discuss the reading material in detail during the lesson. The lesson will finish with homework, where you will complete the quiz. To complete the quiz, you will most often need to do a small project, where you will analyze a dataset and answer the quiz's questions with the results of your analysis.
This course is offered in the xAIM's master's program. The course is co-financed by the European Commission instrument "Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Telecom" through the project "eXplainable Artificial Intelligence in healthcare Management project" (2020-EU-IA-0098), grant agreement number INEA/CEF/ICT/A2020/ 2276680.
Live lectures timetable:
Monday 27th February, 6-8:30 PM (CET) - Ian Cumming - Introduction to healthcare systems - NHS England
Thursday 2nd March 6-8:30 PM (CET) - Valentina Beretta - Italian NHS - Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89239588602pwd=SWRScVljekZ0V1NBUHFmVlJFMXJ3Zz09
Monday 6th March 6-8:30 PM (CET) - Chiara Demartini - Sustainability in Healthcare - Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87008155517?pwd=cHdLaHRuMmRsQzNHZ2dpbUY4d0I3UT09
Wednesday 8th March 6-8:30 PM (CET) - Hatim Abdulhussein - AI in healthcare - https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83223394427?pwd=SkJwQmRJSUVOVjlnZFJiMTl4Vkk1Zz09
Please find here the folder containing the recorded live lectures: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Ag32Sz-pZGTCGpts_OJ5MnVzsBU1Wp2D?usp=sharing
Lecturers' email addresses:
Hatim Abdulhussein: Hatim.Abdulhussein@hee.nhs.uk
Valentina Beretta: valentina.beretta@unipv.it
Ian Cumming: i.r.cumming@keele.ac.uk
Maria Chiara Demartini: mariachiara.demartini@unipv.it
1st Assignment - Analyse a healthcare system (deadline: 30th April)
Students are required to group (at most three people per group) and analyse a healthcare system (of one country). Please provide the basic information according to the classification system analysed in Lecture 1 and list the strengths and weaknesses of the healthcare system. You will be allowed 15 minutes to present it. Please present 15-20 slides max. You are required to share both the slide presentation and the recording of your presentation.
2nd Assignment - Assess a quality report of a healthcare organisation (deadline: 15th May)
Students are suggested to group (at most three people per group) and select one healthcare organization available from the CQC website: https://www.cqc.org.uk. You are supposed to analyse the latest available report as you were the CEO of that organisation. Please provide suggestions on how to address the issues identified in the report and, more generally, to improve the quality of care. You will be allowed 15 minutes to present it. Please present 15-20 slides max. You are required to share both the slide presentation and the recording of your presentation.
Final case study
Please split into groups (up to 3 people each) and choose one of the following case studies: 1) Case Study - Hospital in trouble 2) Case Study - Managing healthcare quality
You have 15 minutes to discuss your case. Please present 15-20 slides max. You are required to share both the slide presentation and the recording of your presentation.
This material is offered under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license.
- In this section, students co-create a glossary, listing, and clarifying the terms they come across, during their studies. The students discuss the terms and list their sources.